lifestream fm invite
Recently I sensed a demand for lifestream invites. Lifestream, an aggregator is still in beta. I can send you an invite. Just leave a comment here with your mail adress or send a mail direct to me:
Recently I sensed a demand for lifestream invites. Lifestream, an aggregator is still in beta. I can send you an invite. Just leave a comment here with your mail adress or send a mail direct to me:
Amnesty International: Animation to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
See blogs and websites to the subject Human Rights.
The Brooklyn Bridge in New York, connecting Brooklyn and Manhattan, was built at a time when horse pulled trucks and ships had to carry all the building material. Underneath a video to this.
Die Brooklyn Brücke wurde zu einer Zeit gebaut, als noch Pferde-Fuhrwerke die Materialien verteilten. Überhaupt war zu dieser Zeit (1870er Jahre) New York noch 'voll von Pferden'.
Sie finden unterhalb ein (englisches) Video zu dieser Brücke. Weitere Informationen zur Brooklyn Brücke finden Sie auf der WebSite von Bernd Nebel, Stichwort: Brooklyn.
You might want to see this video on Bridges of the World. Bridges, as you know are these things connecting us. In War times, they will be destroyed.
Vielleicht wollen Sie sich dieses Brücken Video ansehen. Brücken dieser Welt. Brücken sind bekanntlich das was uns verbindet. In Kriegszeiten werden sie meist zerstört.
For years Petra had the wish and desire to spend some time in an African country and to do something for children. This year now she managed to get to Malawi, raise funds and sponsors and to build a (Pre) School in Chilambe. She went there by April, 2007 and returned one week ago. Her twin sister Josefine first joined her in July, then decided to do an own project, raised funds and sponsors and built a school in Chimpesa (Malawi).
Chilambe and Chimpesa belong to the district Chiradzulu.
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